
Keeping a Positive Attitude When Faced with Ailments

Keeping a Positive Attitude When Faced with Ail...

We all have a point in our lives when we come face to face with an illness or injury that is sure to make us feel like less of a...

Keeping a Positive Attitude When Faced with Ail...

We all have a point in our lives when we come face to face with an illness or injury that is sure to make us feel like less of a...

Tips for Getting Past the Uphill Battle of a Habit-forming Behavior

Tips for Getting Past the Uphill Battle of a Ha...

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same behavior over and over again and expecting a different result. This is especially true when it comes to your...

Tips for Getting Past the Uphill Battle of a Ha...

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same behavior over and over again and expecting a different result. This is especially true when it comes to your...

Exercise with Your Grand-kids Promotes Health + Connection

Exercise with Your Grand-kids Promotes Health +...

Surely, you’ve heard the saying, “a family that plays together, stays together,” and this certainly couldn’t be more true than in the golden years of your life. While your lifelong...

Exercise with Your Grand-kids Promotes Health +...

Surely, you’ve heard the saying, “a family that plays together, stays together,” and this certainly couldn’t be more true than in the golden years of your life. While your lifelong...

5 Tips to Prepare for Knee Surgery

5 Tips to Prepare for Knee Surgery

For most of us, there comes a time in our lives when we are faced with an injury or joint deterioration that requires a medical procedure. Amongst the most common...

5 Tips to Prepare for Knee Surgery

For most of us, there comes a time in our lives when we are faced with an injury or joint deterioration that requires a medical procedure. Amongst the most common...

5 Things That Jump Start the Brain (Brain Exercises)

5 Things That Jump Start the Brain (Brain Exerc...

Much in the same way that our bodies succumb to age, our brains atrophy and alter over time too. Over the years, your brain’s ability to withstand neurological damage caused...

5 Things That Jump Start the Brain (Brain Exerc...

Much in the same way that our bodies succumb to age, our brains atrophy and alter over time too. Over the years, your brain’s ability to withstand neurological damage caused...

Three Secret Benefits of Walking

Three Secret Benefits of Walking

We were born with functioning legs for a reason, right? They help us get from one place to the next and transport our bodies, so we can tend to our...

Three Secret Benefits of Walking

We were born with functioning legs for a reason, right? They help us get from one place to the next and transport our bodies, so we can tend to our...