What To Know About Springtime Allergies: Part 2
Spring allergy season is officially upon us, which means that you may be one of the unlucky ones who end up surrounded by a heap of tissues for the next month or two. In our previous post we provided you with some important things to know about allergies, and we’ve come back to let you know a few more that we found along the way…
Prevention is key. Everything in life seems to go a lot smoother when you are prepared, right? Well, the same is true when it comes to easing up your allergy symptoms. Doctors are urging patients to take medications with antihistamines before they have a flare up, simply because prevention works better than elimination when it comes to allergies. The histamine is a compound that is released by cells in response to allergic reaction, which leads to the dilation of capillaries. Because it may take a little while for the histamines to be released when a person is exposed to ragweed or pollen, it’s best to take supplements beforehand. This way, they are more likely to play a role in preventing the symptoms from getting worse, instead of trying to stop them when they are well on their way. If you seem to be a pro in the seasonal allergy department and you know your body’s pattern, it’s a good idea to start taking supplementation regularly and it’s even advised to start taking them a month or two before your particular allergy rears its ugly head. For example, if you know that you have a springtime allergy to pollen, you may want to start taking supplements and or antihistamine in early February, simply because the start of these pollens can change from year to year.
Antihistamines are not a cure-all. Building up your immune system with the right supplements is key to get prepared. Antihistamines work well for itchiness and sneezing, however; they don’t do a whole lot to relieve nasal stuffiness. Antronex works very well to aid patients with their nasal congestion and allergies. Japanese researchers in th 1920’s discovered the antihistaminic effect of this liver extract. This natural antihistamine and liver decongestant will help your allergies. Supplements can take one to two months to build up your system before their anti-inflammatory effects are at their best, so you’ll want to start taking them a month or two before the pollen is expected to arrive.
There is more than one way to get a long-term solution. Several long-time allergy sufferers have relied on homeopathic drops that can be taken under the tongue or mixed I a glass of water.
Best to begin the homeopathic drops several months before and during allergy season for those who suffer from certain grass and ragweed allergies. They work by desensitizing you to certain allergens by releasing them into your body in small amounts, and over time your immune system becomes less reactive to them due to the tolerance it has built up. In turn, you have less symptoms and you don’t have to use the drops as often.
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