The Importance of Vitamin D & How to Know If You Are Deficient: Part 1 - Restivo Health & Wellness

The Importance of Vitamin D & How to Know If You Are Deficient: Part 1

We hear a lot about vitamin D deficiency during the winter months, and there is a good reason for that. Worldwide, an estimated one billion people suffer from vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to osteoporosis, fatigue, back pain, depression, anxiety,  illness, muscle pain, and hair loss. Our bodies need 400-800 IU’s of vitamin D every day, however; some doctors are suggesting even more than that. Because this important vitamin is made from cholesterol when our skin is exposed to the sun, it can be kind of tricky to get the recommended amount during the winter months, when we are far less exposed to the sun.

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The key is to supplement properly and be proactive in taking additional IU’s of the vitamin to prevent any symptoms. If you think you may be lacking vitamin D, here are a few telltale signs that you’re deficient in the bone building vitamin… 

Fatigue.  Amongst the many causes of vitamin D deficiency, is that uncomfortable feeling of being tired all the time. If you find that you are getting plenty of sleep and eating well, yet, you are still having trouble making it through the day without nodding off, then a lack of vitamin D could be to blame. The more we are in need of vitamin D, the lower our blood levels tend to be, which could result in a negative impact on your energy levels. 

Depression. A dose of vitamin D is said to increase feelings of happiness and well-being. There have been several studies that have shown vitamin D deficiency as having a direct co-relation to depression, and patients who started taking vitamin D, saw their depression symptoms wane over time. 

Bone pain. Because vitamin D works to improve your body’s ability to absorb calcium, the absence of it will naturally create stress on the bones. In several studies, patients who have suffered from lower back pain, have also had low levels of vitamin D in their blood. This deficiency goes beyond the back and several patients have complained of bone pain in the legs, ribs, and joints, to the point where their daily activities were affected. 

Hair loss. If you find that you’ve been shedding more than usual, it could be due to a lack of vitamin D in your blood. While hair loss is often caused by stress, it is also the result of being deficient in certain nutrients. One example of this was discovered in patients who have Alopecia areata, which is an autoimmune disease that leads to major hair loss. Low levels of vitamin D have been discovered in patients with the disease, and it is certainly a risk factor for developing the disease.

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