10 Surprising Reasons You're Gaining Weight
Many people don't understand the mechanics of how weight is lost. They sabotage their efforts without even realizing that what they are doing is causing them to gain, not lose weight. Simple lifestyle changes can eliminate many bad habits that are preventing you from shedding the unnecessary pounds. How many of the following reasons are hampering your progress?
Biggest Meal of the Day after 6 p.m.
Eating the biggest meal of the day after within a few hours of bedtime allows the extra calories to accumulate in the body. Most people don't exercise right before bedtime so the calories do not have a chance to burn away.
Not Enough Rest
When you don't get enough rest, your body reacts by conserving energy and lowering metabolism. Sleep is the body's time to rejuvenate and repair minor injuries like micro-tears in muscles and it also allows the body's metabolism re-adjust to more normal settings.
Big Meals
Big meals can overload the digestive system and make you feel sluggish. A large meal can stretch the stomach making it more comfortable to eat larger servings of food. Instead of a few large meals, plan five or six small meals. This provides the nutrients the body needs at regular intervals, keeping energy levels steady and eliminates hunger pangs that can often lead to binge eating.
Remember the 1,000 Calorie Rule
The body requires approximately 1,000 calories to maintain good health and function efficiently each day. Any calories consumed over that number must be burned away or they will eventually be stored as fat. Exercising helps to burn away the extra calories. Even if you just walk around the block or park farther from a building to add a few more steps, the slightest exercise can help you eliminate the additional calories.
Make Sure to Read Labels
Read labels on all diet foods. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can actually cause you to get hungry faster and also increase your cravings for certain foods. They also contain toxins that fill your non essential fat cells. It is also important to monitor the types of fats that are included in certain foods.
Vitamin B Deficiency
Have your Vitamin B levels checked. Although it is rare, Vitamin B deficiency can lead to anemia, fatigue and excessive weight gain. Low levels of Vitamin B can decrease the metabolism and lower the body's immunity to certain illnesses.
Don't Eat So Fast
Eat slowly. Enjoy your food. When you take your time eating a meal, the stomach is given the time it needs to actually feel full. This means you eat less and enjoy your food more. Eating slowly can also improve your mood.
Avoid Eating While You Are Upset
Avoid eating while you are upset. When you are upset, your digestive system slows down. It also can lead to binge eating. When you set down to a meal, eat slowly and allow yourself to relax. Remaining calm when eating can also eliminate the cravings you may feel for comfort foods.
Sometimes it isn't what you eat or how much. It is when and how you eat that can be your downfall. A healthy lifestyle combined with a well-balanced medical weight loss plan will help you achieve your ideal weight. You will be able to uncover many of the small habits that had undermined your progress in the past. Knowing how these habits affect your progress will help you find ways around them and get back on track with your weight loss plan.
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