Why Diet Trumps Exercise In Weight Loss
Effective weight loss plans include both exercise and diet plans. While many people believe exercise to be the most important element in a weight loss program, diet is actually the foundation that must be established first and then built upon to create a healthy lifestyle. Without proper diet and nutrition, the body has nothing to build on and no energy to support life or movement. Establishing a healthy diet plan will provide your body with exactly what it needs to function more efficiently and makes exercise possible.
Your Fuel Supply
The foods you eat provide your body with the fuel it needs to function. The human body needs approximately 1,000 calories per day just to function. Without that base number of calories, the body will begin to go into starvation mode and start to hoard any calories it receives in an attempt to prolong life. Providing the right type of foods at the right times, allows the body to have the nutrition and calories it needs to maintain a healthy balance. Providing additional fuel allows for exercise and activity over and above the body's base needs. Exercising helps to control weight gain and works to keep the body fit and toned.
No Nutrition, No Movement
Without nutrition, there is no support for the cells and tissues in the body. If the body does not receive the vitamins and minerals it needs to function, life and movement will both cease. A balance diet provides all of the nutrients the body needs to function and remain active. When the body receives the right nutrients in the right amounts, exercise and other types of physical activity will keep tissues within the body strong. Every person's metabolism is different according to their own personal body chemistry. Working with a physician who specializes in medically supervised weight loss plans will help you get the nutrients your body needs to help you achieve your ideal weight.
Inner Function vs Outer Function
Diet is the key to the digestive system. The efficiency of the digestive system will regulate how blood glucose is used throughout the body, how well nutrients are absorbed and how much energy your body has to function. Eliminating processed foods that can cause the digestive system to become sluggish and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods will give your digestive system the boost it needs. Streamlining the digestive system enables the body to remain active and vibrant.
Foundation for a Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy diet includes a specific ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. While each person's needs will be different, all three must be included for the body to function efficiently. In addition to the three main components in the diet, the body requires a specific amount of each vitamin and mineral. When healthy foods are included in the diet in their freshest state, the majority of the body's needs can be met through the diet. If you need more of a specific vitamin or mineral or are participating in regular periods of strenuous activity, like athletics or extreme workouts, you can get the additional nutrients from supplements.
Remembering that diet is the fuel that allows the body to function will help you make it a priority when it comes to exercise and building a healthy lifestyle. While some form of exercise is encouraged on a daily basis, most people limit heavy workouts to three to four times a week. With that being said, diet is a constant. You need food every day to function. Creating a healthy diet plan and using it each and every day is the key to healthy weight loss and effective weight management. It is important to work with a physician that specializes in medically supervised weight loss when you create your diet plan. This ensures that your body's specific needs are met and that you have the nutrients you need to maintain whatever level of physical activity you choose to participate in.
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