Why Anger Is Bad For You: Part 1
We’ve all experienced some level of anger at one point or another, and while this heavy emotion can motivate us to make some crucial changes in our lives, it can also pose a threat to our health. Let’s start out by talking about ways that anger can cause health issues if it’s mismanaged, then we will present you with some proven ways to get a handle on your mood swings and use anger in constructive ways that can benefit you.
Lack of Brain Function. While it may seem like we have a lot swirling around in our minds when we are experiencing a bout of anger, we are actually limited in blood supply to the brain because the blood diverts to the arms and legs on it mission to focus on survival. In turn, our thinking gets even more delayed, because of the lack of oxygen moving to the brain, and we end up forgetting the importance of treating others with respect and making stable decisions. It is at this point that we “fly off the handle.”
Sadness and Depression. Anger and depression go hand in hand when it comes to the influx of emotions that circulate in our bodies on a regular basis. Anger naturally results from depression because it serves as a reaction to the pain that one is feeling, and then, that anger transforms into even more depression and a nasty cycle of sadness begins. The end result is a more delicate version of the anger emotion, and feelings of anxiety, depression and disgust occur instead. When we don’t examine why we are angry in the first place, our condition can manifest into depression, leaving us making poor decisions and alienating ourselves from society.
Heart Attack. We’ve all heard the saying, “you are going to give him a heart attack.” There is some truth to this saying, because when a particular event ignites anger inside us, our heart rate increases as we engage in the ‘fight or flight’ response, and in turn, our blood moves away from our body’s core and to our extremities. From here, our veins and arteries become so overstressed that they get constricted. While our bodies can handle this type of stress response every so often, repeated incidents can affect the blood vessels that communicate with the heart. In addition, we are more likely to have excess plaque around the arteries of the heart, which causes the muscles to inherit irregularities that can lead to a heart attack.
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