What's Your Social Media Health Score: Part 2
While social media is a great way to stay informed, it can be a major deterrent to making the most of your time. We have a few more tips for ‘staying in the know, while also letting go.’
Ditch the screen NOW. This tip will vary from one person to the next, depending on how deep you are stuck in the virtual world. One way to determine if it’s time to quit the screen for a while is to ask yourself if you are spending more time interacting with people on the screen or in real life. If your screen time has become your priority, then it might be time to take a hiatus from social media. There is no need to worry…your friends will still be there when you come back and you can let them know in a post that you are taking a much-needed break. The time alone you will gain from this break is huge, and you may just find that your mind is better spent focusing on other things. Two hours a day spent on social media leads to 14 hours a week of extra time…that’s a part-time job!
Focus your time on something you love. When you calculate the extra time you will have from cutting back on social media, you will find that you can pick up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to tackle. Maybe it’s cooking lessons or time spent at the gym…either way, a new hobby is key to keeping your brain and body healthy.
Set a limit. For some, a hiatus from the screen might not be necessary and instead, you can simply set a limit and allow yourself a certain amount of time to check in on social media. There is no need to scroll through every hour, and even though our lives are moving faster than ever before thanks to globalization, you’ll still be privy to keeping tabs on your best pal’s new haircut. We promise you all the info will still be there even if you take a break or set a time limit on your virtual perusing. Whether it’s thirty minutes a day, or an hour, set a timer and only allow yourself that amount of time. Then, do the math and see how much extra time you will have to allot to other things you enjoy doing.
Treat yourself. Just like other things you enjoy, you can start looking at social media as a treat. Maybe you need to accomplish a list of tasks before you allow yourself to dive into social media madness. It can be your little reward at the end of a long day.
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