Weekend cheats and Monday gains!
End of the week cheat days (or cheat dinners) are troublesome for individuals attempting to lose or even simply keep up their weight. Unhealthy, high carb suppers at eateries or a friend’s place, occasions, festivities and outings may upset the weight loss programs of pretty much everybody. Uncontrolled desires can be a wellspring of numerous additional calories. Unhealthy sweets and liquor regularly go with these "cheat dinners".
Are you one of those who loves to keep cheat days and have a Make-up Monday? Read on we have a better option for you at DR. Restivo’s.
“Make-Up Mondays” is one of the techniques that have been used for the past 15 years in many weight loss programs to prevent weight gain (or even to assist in weight maintenance) when dieters have cheat days on the weekend.
Many Americans think Monday as a new day and they always associate a fresh start to Monday’s. When you have a cheat meal, Its all about you adjusting the calories that you have eaten on “happy weekends”.
No worries, we give you the best ways to stay put with your quick weight loss program.
- Snack on Free foods!
No shyness, you can enjoy your free food. Wondering what free food we are speaking about? We have divided foods and snacks to free and not free categories.
Free foods are the ones which will give you the least amount of calorie while you feel full the moment you are done with it.
Ex: Most vegetables are free; the calories are so low they make counting and measuring unnecessary; this excludes avocados, beans (baked, pinto, red, Lima, and black) and corn.
Note here that, Fruits are not “free”, Fruits contains fructose which is direct sugar to your body so always limit your fruit intake.
Free drinks: Black coffee, tea (all herbal variations included)
When you want to have a cheat day on weekend, we recommend you to snack on free foods as much as possible. These free foods will keep you filled and you will avoid overeating during your weight loss program.
- Make Monday you mini fasting day
This option is great if you are ready to survive Monday’s on free food. There are few snacks on this quick weight loss program. After all, if you are having snacks then you are not truly fasting. You can have a small apple, carrot sticks or sugar-free protein shake, if necessary. After dinner, you can eat stevia sweetened jello, desert made with stevia sweetened protein powder or stevia sweetened Popsicle if needed. Try to keep these snacks to a minimum.
Or you can go opt for 2 meals and no snacking to cope with the cheat days. The objective of the small fasting day on Mondays is to consume low calorie, satisfying, and easy to get food with higher nutritional values and keeps you full for a longer length of time that is possible.
This makes the fasting procedure a lot simpler. It is, for this reason, we emphasise on lean protein, fruits and veggies, and high protein, low sugar shakes.
Just not that, If you are a person who wants to control your cravings on cheat days and on your make up Monday’s when you are on weight loss program, we at Dr Restivo’s have solutions for that.
At our Dr Restivo health and wellness centre, we bring you craving drops that are super supportive for your quick weight loss program.
These drops will help you curb the cravings of food like sweets, chocolate, alcohol, emotional eating, bread, chips and food in general. These drops have zero side effects and aids in helping you with your medical weight loss program.
We have 4 types of craving drops that you can buy from our website today!
Emotional Eating Drops: Helps you curb emotional eating during your medical weight loss program
Sugar Craving Drops: Helps you curb your sweet tooth cravings. This one is a must for those who think sweets are their weak points.
Bread craving drops: Bread Craving Drops Recommended for those who wish to better metabolize bread, starches and other carbohydrates.
- Chip Craving Drops: Chip Craving Drops Relieve symptoms of cravings for wheat and corn.
With these drops, you can manage both your cheat days and Monday calorie gains (savings).
At Dr Restivo’s, we have our research and studies done right and are equipped with the right formula to experience quick weight loss.
Dr Restivo’s we assist you in highly result-oriented and scientifically designed programs that assure you quick weight loss in a profound way with science backing it up!
We offer many science-backed quick weight loss programs like,
Just not that, Dr Restivo offer’s hand-picked solution from homoeopathic and supplements for many problems that one may encounter after 50 years of age.
With great experience in the field, Dr.restivo also offers general holistic medications that help you get rid of many ailments like constipation, insomnia treating medications and many more.
Reach us now! To gain your life back by losing pounds!