Stats on the Stress Obesity Puts on Our Organs - Part 1 - Restivo Health & Wellness

Stats on the Stress Obesity Puts on Our Organs - Part 1

Let’s face it…there are really no pros to obesity. Not only does added weight cause a wide array of health problems, but it can also get in the way of quality time spent with the little ones. By the time grandchildren arrive, nearly 30% of U.S. seniors will be obese, which can certainly deter the chances of keeping up with the little ones. But, let’s take it a step further and talk about other obesity issues that pose a threat to our well-being in ways that you may have never imagined.



When you are carrying added weight around, you naturally put more strain on your organs, which can lead to a whole host of issues. Here are three organs that are greatly affected in an obese body.

Heart: When you have more than necessary fat tissue in your body, you need more oxygen, which puts a major burden on your heart. Your heart will need to recruit more blood vessels in order to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the tissues. The major problem with this is that the more fat that accumulates inside your arteries, the harder those arteries get. This leads to thicker artery walls and a narrower space for the blood to pass through, causing the heart to work twice as hard as necessary. The result of this is atherosclerosis, which is ten times more likely in those who are obese.

Brain: We’ve all heard that there is a strong relationship between the body and mind, and this link is proving truer than ever before, thanks to a study that was conducted in 2010. The study showcased the negative association of cognitive function in those who are obese. Researchers concluded that the white matter that protects the nerve fibers in the brain, was more damaged in the brains of the obese participants. This white matter serves a major purpose and is responsible for sending signals to the organs. It basically means that the communication between the brain and the organ is delayed when a person is obese.

Lungs: When there is excess fat surrounding the lungs, the overall capacity for air is diminished; leading to poor ventilation which can actually create side effects that would occur if the person had a respiratory disease.  In the event that a person does already have an existing respiratory disease, those side effects are exacerbated. The limited amount of oxygen that an obese person takes in could be fatal at night, while they are sleeping.

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