Setting Yourself Up For Success: Part1
Now that we are officially immersed in the summer season, you will likely be exposed to more temptation due to the countless number of barbeques and outdoor events that will undoubtedly fill your calendar from now until Labor Day. While it can be daunting to think of the delightful desserts, ice cream and carb-filled sides like potato salad on the summer menu, there is hope that you can get through the sunny months staying committed and focused on your weight loss and health goals. The key to staying on track is arming yourself with some tricks that are guaranteed to make you successful.
If you are in your 50s, you are not going to look like the 20-year-old on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine anytime in the near future or this lifetime, however; you most certainly can set up goals for yourself that you can and will accomplish. The best thing that you can do to steer yourself in the right direction, is to accept yourself for who you are, and throw out any ideas that suggest that perfection is possible. Like most things in life, weight loss goals can be tackled one day at a time, if you want to achieve long-term success. Any goal worthwhile, takes effort. Motivate yourself more with a calendar that tracks your daily goals. In no time you will see those daily goals turn into much bigger, noteworthy accomplishments.
Awareness. Most of us struggle with food triggers. Whether it’s that mid-day sugar craving or an evening desire for salt. The key is to be aware of your cravings and prepare for them in advance. If you know that you will likely hit a wall around 3:00 pm, it’s in your best interest to have something that will cure your sweet cravings minus all the bad sugars. Keep a bowl full of berries on hand to conquer that sweet tooth in a way that will both keep your energy level up and your health on track. The worst thing that you can do is to have your favorite sugary snacks in the house, and it’s best to live by the motto, “out of sight out of mind.” It may seem challenging at first, but over time, your cravings will diminish, and you won’t feel so tempted. It goes without saying that it will do you no good to have greasy, sugary foods in your pantry, and steer clear of stopping by fast food restaurants for an on-the-go meal. Instead, pack healthy snacks to have handy when you are planning to be away from the safety of your own kitchen.
Stay tuned for part 2!
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