Part 1: End the Yo-Yo Dieting - Restivo Health & Wellness

Part 1: End the Yo-Yo Dieting

They say that insanity is the act of repeating the same behavior and expecting a different outcome. This theory applies to a variety of different life issues, especially weight loss, which is why you need to change it up if you want to see results. Dr. Restivo’s weight loss program is real weight loss for real people and there is a reason why it differs from Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. Instead of simply eating less of the sugary, toxic food like the other diet programs allow, Dr. Restivo’s program takes all aspects of your health into perspective by detoxing your body and cleansing your organs from harmful toxins that ultimately cause unhealthy weight gain that sticks around for years.

weight loss doctor 


And unlike other programs, Dr. Restivo’s plan is a quick fix, and if followed properly, you will keep the pounds off for good. The best part is that the majority of the approved ingredients can be found in the aisles of your very own grocery store and  no need to worry about breaking the bank by purchasing pricey frozen meals required for the Jenny Craig program. While having frozen meals delivered to your door step sounds convenient, that’s only one small piece of the puzzle, as additional fruits and veggies need to be purchased as added sides.

If you want to see your body change and shed additional pounds, then you need to literally change your body from the inside out, which is why this program starts out with a detox that is designed to reset your body in preparation for the metabolism reset. Unlike weight watchers, which simply cuts calories, Dr. Restivo’s program transforms your body into a fat burning machine, even when you are sound asleep at night. And the program is broken up into different phases, making it free from boredom.

If you have any doubts about choosing this program over the other fad diets, just listen to one of the many patient testimonials that tout the ease and proven results of the program. Patients from all backgrounds and sizes have come forward to share their love of Dr. Restivo’s highly calibrated and detailed diet that truly takes your long-term health into play. You can’t get that from simply cutting calories and ordering pre-made meals that contain unknown ingredients. And as an added bonus, your health will naturally improve, simply by cleansing the organs that work so hard to keep you functioning.

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