Maintaining Health + Building Endurance for Your Grand-kids

Maintaining Health + Building Endurance for Your Grand-kids

Having grandchildren is one of the most joyful experiences in life and it certainly makes holidays and birthdays that much more enjoyable. Spending time with our grand-babes can keep us feeling young, but also has a tendency to zap our energy due to the fact that youngsters seem to have never-ending amounts of pep.




If you want to be able to keep up with the energetic tots, there are a few power foods that will keep you going strong for hours. Salmon is among one of the foods that will give you the get up and go that you need. Not only is it a great source of protein, but it’s overflowing with B12, which naturally helps you combat lethargic feelings and boosts energy. It’s also known as one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D, which has a reputation for fighting fatigue and giving you that burst of much-needed energy to ensure you don’t miss out on moments with your grandkids.

For a more convenient approach to your energy burst, try a hardboiled egg. These easy to transport snacks keep your blood sugar levels stable and they are key for preventing afternoon slumps and sugar cravings, which are usually the result of eating foods that are packed with carbs. The beauty of eggs is that they are so versatile and can be made ahead of time for a quick grab and go before you head to the park with your grandchildren. You’ll be able to chase the little ones around the park for a lot longer if you are fueled with an egg beforehand.

Not having enough water is a sure way to drain your energy, and being dehydrated also leads us to reaching for food that is out of our diet plan. Always make sure that you have enough water on hand when you are running around with the grandkids. Berries and fruits are packed with water and provide hydration perks as well, so take a handful of raspberries on your way to the park and get a burst of flavor while hydrating yourself.

Green smoothies are a perfect way to get your nutrients in while also elevating your energy levels. Simply blend spinach, berries and water for a quick pick-me-up that you can take anywhere. The grandkids may even be intrigued by the blend of goods and may want to give it a try.

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