Artificial sweeteners: Everything you need to know!
Everyone knows that sugar is bad for health, but often we find people dumping sugar to their bodies in the name of satisfying foods!
Whether you use regular sugar or an artificial sweetener, knowing how it can affect your body and how good is it for you will definitely help you lot.
In today’s crazy world of internet, people often read 100 posts and consume all bad things in the name of weight loss program.
Today in this blog we would like to help you know what is the best form of sugar you can consume and stay true to your weight loss program.
We at Dr Restivo’s recommend you to search for sweeteners that are natural ones like Stevia.
Artificial sweeteners, like Stevia, that are purely plant-based do not use “harmful filler” ingredients like sorbitol and mannitol, or high glycemic sweeteners like maltitol.
These fillers make more bad than good to your body in the name of sugar.
Many low-carb products that claim to have, low net carbs and also claim that they help you in weight loss program, usually use these sugar alcohols. And make you gain weight rather than give you results for your quick weight loss programs.
Additionally, candies and snacks that are “sugar-free” also use the sweeteners with these fillers. These filters with a high GI will shoot up your sugar levels. When a sweetener has a low glycemic index, it has little effect on blood sugar. The higher the glycemic index is, the higher your blood sugar will spike during consumption.
If you were the one who was popping a teeny tiny candy or that sugarfree snack now and then and thought it might not affect you, its time to think now!
Let’s get to details of popular artificial sweeteners to understand more on them.
STEVIA: is one of the most common sugar substitutions used on the market today. It is incredibly sweet and has no glycemic impact. The liquid form is preferred. It has been used for hundreds of years. It is derived from a South American tree and is totally natural. It is clearly the winner in the artificial sweeteners war!
Splenda: Splenda is a very easy, but very sweet substitution to sugar that has a lot of misinformation around it. Splenda is the brand name, but Sucralose is pure sweetener. Liquid versions are preferred. Powdered versions have maltodextrin and dextrose–both carbohydrates. This is a great sugar substitution that has no glycemic impact. It’s special because it passes through our bodies undigested, meaning it is excreted without the carbs being absorbed.
Monk fruit: This is a less common sweetener and usually used in combination with others. While somewhat rare, if you can find it, it makes a great balanced sweetener.
Various blends: There are numerous brands on the market that combine these sweeteners in various ratios. Be careful and read the ingredients.
The best artificial sweeteners are those sold in liquid form. They don’t have binders such as maltodextrin and dextrose.
Binding agents are commonly found in blends like Splenda and can add up in carbs very quickly. Stick with sweeteners that have a lower glycemic index like Stevia.
Artificial Sweeteners and Glycemic Index
Beside each sweetener’s name, you will see “GI” and then a number. This refers to the Glycemic Index, which measures how much a food raises your blood sugar. Stevia is one such sweetener that has a zero GI, meaning they don’t raise blood sugar.
Hidden Sugars to Avoid – Natural or NOT:
High Fructose Corn Syrup: High fructose corn syrup is a highly processed sweetener derived from corn. Many studies comparing HFCS and sugar have shown similar results. They’re practically the same thing.
Sugar: Sugar, as most of us know, should be avoided at all costs. It is linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, bad cholesterol, sugar addiction, and metabolic syndrome. Sugar has no real nutrients and consumption leads to fat storage. While it has many different names on product packaging, nutrition labels, and ingredient lists, a good rule of thumb is if it ends in “ose”, it’s sugar and should be avoided. The body breaks down regular table sugar into fructose and glucose when it enters the bloodstream. Glucose is naturally occurring in our bodies, but fructose is not.
Coconut Sugar: Coconut sugar is made from the flower of the coconut palm, where the sap is heated until the water is evaporated. The finished product is brownish in colour. It retains some nutrients from the heating process and does contain some inulin.
However, at 11g of carbohydrates per tablespoon, it’s still not a good option for people on a weight loss program.
Honey: Honey is one of the most nutritionally dense sweeteners but is packed full of fructose. One tablespoon of honey typically contains 17g carbs which are well over half of our daily allotted amount during any weight loss program.
Maple Syrup: While maple syrup and honey are widely accepted on lesser low-carb quick weight loss program, they are not a great option as per an experienced weight management doctors like Dr Restivo. Maple syrup typically has 13g of carbs per tablespoon.
Agave Syrup: Agave Syrup is typically a very highly processed sweetener even though it’s marketed as a natural alternative. It can contain up to 80% fructose. Therefore, it has a very high impact on our blood sugar levels and is typically seen as one of the most damaging sources of sugar. It is made by pressing the agave plant until the sugars and fluid come out. We at Dr Restivo’s avoid it at any costs.
At Restivo wellness and health centre, we bring you our in-home stevia drops that are 100% natural and are made as per the science to give you the best of health benefits. You can purchase these stevia drops at our online store here.
We have a huge range of flavours in stevia drops that will help you enjoy your food and beverages guilt-free and stay true to you quick weight loss programs. From vanilla to coconut we have a total of 13 flavours of stevia.
At Dr Restivo, we have our research and studies done right and are equipped with the right formula that helps you to experience quick weight loss.
Dr Restivo’s specifically designed weight loss program assures you quick weight loss in a profound way with science backing it up!
We offer many science-backed quick weight loss programs like,
- In-Home Fat Burner Reboot Programs
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- Ionic foot bath detoxification therapy
- Medical weight loss program
Just not that, Dr Restivo offers hand-picked solutions from homoeopathic and supplements for many problems that one may encounter after 50 years of age.
Dr Restivo has been considered as one of the top thyroid Drs in Rockland County and New Milford Connecticut thyroid doctors.
With great experience in the field, Dr.restivo also offers generic medications that help you get rid of many ailments like neck pain chiropractic treatment, constipation, insomnia treating medications and many more.
Reach us now! To gain your life back by losing pounds!
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